Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Tasteful humor: A key to success at work!!!

Tasteful humor is a key to success at work. Humor can provide insights into the distinctive culture which develops in different workplaces. “Humor, by its nature, tends to have an edge to it, so people typically tone it down at work,” says Laura Vanderkam, author of What the Most Successful People Do at Work.

Did you know that:
1.    People smile only 35 percent as much as they think they do?
2.    As per a survey, out of 737 CEOs, 98% preferred job candidates with a sense of humor to those without?
3.    Laughter releases endorphins, a chemical 10 times more powerful than the pain-relieving drug morphine, into the body with the same exhilarating effect as doing strenuous exercise?
4.    Laughing increases oxygen intake, thereby replenishing and invigorating cells?
So, bring in the change.
Here are the reasons that humor and fun can improve work quality and mental health:
·         Humor and fun gets people to listen.
·         Humor and fun breaks up boredom and fatigue.
·         Humor aids in learning.
·         Humor and fun fulfills human social needs.
·         Humor increases creativity and willingness to help.
·         Humor and fun encourages people to work together.
·         Humor boosts overall brainpower and improves decision-making.
·         Fun fulfills the need for mastery and control.
·         Humor prevents long-term burnout and reduces absenteeism.
·         Fun breaks up conflict and tension.
Bring out that ability to laugh, dust it off, and go for the gold… the golden sounds of someone enjoying himself or herself.